Truck Package Routing and Tracking Simulation

Status: in-progress

Truck Package Routing and Tracking Simulation


A simulation tool that uses the nearest neighbor algorithm to optimize package routing for delivery trucks, enhancing efficiency and reducing delivery times.

Key Features

  • Nearest neighbor algorithm for route optimization
  • Real-time tracking of delivery packages
  • Visualization of delivery routes
  • User-friendly interface for inputting delivery locations

Technical Implementation

Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

def nearest_neighbor(start, locations):
    unvisited = locations.copy()
    route = [start]
    current = start

    while unvisited:
        next_location = min(unvisited, key=lambda loc: distance(current, loc))
        current = next_location

    return route

Development Process

  • Implemented in Python for algorithm development
  • Focused on efficiency and accuracy in routing