A modern personal portfolio and blog website built with Next.js 14, TypeScript, and TailwindCSS. Features a responsive design, dynamic project showcase, and markdown-based blog system.
Key Features
- Dynamic project portfolio with image carousels
- Markdown-based blog system with code syntax highlighting
- Responsive design with dark mode
- Project archive with filtering and sorting
- SEO optimization
Technical Implementation
Project Card Component
The project showcase uses a card-based system with image carousels and modal views:
typescriptinterface ProjectCardProps {
project: Project;
isPreview?: boolean;
const ProjectCard: React.FC<ProjectCardProps> = ({ project, isPreview }) => {
return (
<article className="bg-gray-800 rounded-lg overflow-hidden">
<ImageCarousel images={project.images} />
<div className="p-6">
<h2 className="text-2xl font-bold">
<Link href={`/projects/${project.slug}`}>
<ProjectTags tags={project.tags} />
Blog System
Implements a markdown-based blog system with code syntax highlighting and custom components:
typescriptconst components = {
code: ({ node, inline, className, children, ...props }) => {
const match = /language-(\w+)/.exec(className || '');
return !inline && match ? (
code={String(children).replace(/\n$/, '')}
) : (
<code className="bg-gray-800 px-1 rounded" {...props}>
Development Process
- Mobile-first design approach using TailwindCSS
- Component-based architecture with TypeScript
- SEO optimization using Next.js 14 features
- Performance optimization with image optimization and code splitting